July 28, 2006


For Liani

on a winter's night we trudged
the deserted beach
side by side, you and i
neither friends
nor strangers
freezing, sporadic, the wind
leisurely, steady, our tread

both awkward and tranquil
stretched on
blended unobtrusively with
the wind
enveloping our two figures
like the bodies that mute
the souls within

but are we more so
in the dark?

July 14, 2006


To Alvina

cloudy starless night
on the swings both
you and i
to and fro and to and fro
voices adrift
in the light drizzle
faces obscured
by the shifting shadows

moonless night slipped silently
into sunless morning
like our girlhood
into girl-womanhood

but are we no less
in the dark?