May 29, 2005

Two Lines

God may be a man,
But every Woman is a Goddess.

May 21, 2005

Bad Hair Day

Oh wretched Kink!

Why do you insist on curling this Way
when the other Strands all curl that Way?

Why do you resist the Hairbrush’s
Attempt to tame you into Submission?

To the Left you stick up –
a hispid sore Thumb!

Why are you so stubborn -
oh why will you not yield!

Come on, now,
People stare –
they will stare!

Decide now:
will you willingly let yourself be patted down in to Place
or will you only succumb under the Weight of all their

Ask yourself:
is it worth It –
are you prepared for their Onslaught?


I don’t know why People stare -
maybe they stare because you stick out
out of Place -
and I don’t know why People care -
maybe they care because it is vital
that Everything should be in Place!

So, willful little Kink,
have you decided,
have you an Answer?

In any case,
here comes the Rollers
and dry Heat!


each little word that i am given
buys me another measure of measured freedom
another possible step for these fettered feet

maybe one day
i would have enough words
each another precious link in these chains

then might i move
and imagine
even for one brief moment
that i am free
and forget the heavy shackles
around my ankles
tethered as i am

May 13, 2005

in this lifetime

why do you appear in a heartbeat,
come within the whisper of a breath,
yet seem a universe away?




the Fern unfurled
in Beauty is

the Beauty unfurled
in Love is

the Love unfurled
in Fern is

the Fern unfurled in Beauty
is Beauty
by Love
in the Fern

5th, 13th May 2005

Bruised II: what happened

They see the fading scars on my
left hand,
and the bruises on my arm
and knee;
they ask:
what happened? -
I don’t know.

I feel the twinge and ache
not on my hand or arm
or knee,
but somewhere above my left breast,
and I ask,
what happened? -
they don’t know;
I don’t know.

She doesn’t know.

5th, 13th May 2005

May 08, 2005


Go away

You fool
Me too


here’s a mole
on my right arm –
remember: my
right arm;

and here,
here’s another mole
on my left cheek
(you have to take a close
look, but it’s there)
near my ear –
remember: my
left cheek.

I’ll pass you
once again,
and this time,
you will recognize me,
won’t you?

Won’t you?


Dear Goddess,

So many nights I’ve prayed now,
a borrowed line that encapsulates
a fervent wish that is wholly
mine – without a doubt – no why,
no how.

Will you grant it?
Or am I not blessed enough to
receive it?

May 06, 2005


as the girl reads
she is unaware
of being led down the garden-path

the garden-path craftily created
wilily tries to mislead her

as she unknowingly wanders
down its stretch

until suddenly
there appears the disambiguating

and it becomes clear
the horse raced past the barn

the girl almost misled
rights herself and
smugly continues her reading

until she finds herself face
to face with

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

oh no

Buffalo buffalo
Buffalo buffalo buffalo
Buffalo buffalo

5th – 6th May 2005

May 05, 2005


I am here –
will you comfort me?

I am there –
will you come get me?

I am gone –
will you look for me?

I am born –
will you still love me?

May 02, 2005

I cannot stop

I cannot stop.

Yes, I’m not good at it,
but I cannot stop.

It hurts sometimes when you criticize so bluntly, but I accept them - your words - daggers that they are; because I know, sometimes, mine are too insipid, too hackneyed, too clumsily and ineptly woven together.

But I cannot stop.

Yes, I’m not good at it,
but I cannot stop.

Because I had once asked,
should I stop then,
being so incompetent
and out of my depth
with them

And had been asked,
do those words
thrown at you
hurt more or
do those words
caught in you

Yes, I’m not good at it,
but I cannot stop.

I cannot stop.