July 29, 2004

Jacob Golden’s Promise

velvety, husky
gravelly, silky
slowly tongue me
head to toes
and all around

i turn you on
and louder
and louder still

till you surround me
filling every pore and every orifice

an ambiotic sac of sound
no void
just voice
your voice
its reverberation my heartbeat

i close my eyes
exhale a sigh
as your voice makes love to my ears

July 26, 2004

ENGL 231 Modern Poetry

I The Tut
Say it, don’t spray it!
Torrential. Fast and furious
the Nicotine-Addict Puppy yips and yaps,
spewing his torrential verbal diarrhea.
Too bone-tired and mentally exhausted to
dodge it, damn it!
Down, puppy! Quiet, puppy!
No ciggies for you, puppy!
Oh just run on outside for your cigarette, puppy

II The Lec
Her voice irritates me
She talks too fast
She reads too slow
She is too boring
The lecture is too boring
My Inner Demon shrieks distressingly out
as if flayed by a flaming whip
in the stinky hot fires of Hell.
What torture!
Break out! Break out!
The earnestness of the analysis and
interpretations, intellectual bullying,
quicksands you.
Bullies! Terrorists!
This is psychological terrorism!

Grouchy, fussy as a colicky baby
I straightened up and burped
And immediately felt so much better.

July 20, 2004

You and I

Singular pronouns both you and I
Each living a singular, lonely life
Why had we, the sum of you and I,
The plural pronoun never arrived?

We would have loved in the nominative
Love would have found us in the accusative
A love that would have been ours in the genitive
Had love came to us in the dative

We may be a plural grammatical unit
But a single word in black and white
Unlike you and I, two singular grammatical units
Forever separate entities to speak of and write

Two singular pronouns both you and I
The sum of which never materialized
But even if only in syntax and semantics
Even if only as linguistics
I think we would have been truly romantic
And we would have been immortalized