December 06, 2005

A Revolting Love Ditty

Every time I sweat
I think of you
Every moment I stink
I think of you
You are repulsive

You are foul
Every time I belch
I think of you
Every time I fart
I think of you

Every time I take a piss
I think of you
Every time I take a crap
I think of you
You are execrable

You are odious
And you know what’s worse?

You are a vital part of me
You are intrinsic to my well-being

You keep me healthy
You keep me sane

Without you
I’ll grow sick and die
The most painful and gruesome

I need you

I need you more than
You need me

And this
Is what about you
That sickens me
The most


Blogger Φ said...

Oh my god..unbelievably bonded...or slaved..

5:27 AM  

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