September 06, 2005

Wearing a Nightshirt in the Light of Day (A Waltz)

Wearing a nightshirt in the light of day
What, oh what, does this say
Of the state of her mind
And the conflicts in kind
That she’s not quite there
Though you can’t say where
Or what makes her wear
A nightshirt in the light of day

Wearing a nightshirt in the light of day
What, oh what, can this say
She’s trapped in a place
But she’s no mental case
She just doesn’t know
Which way the rivers flow
Or what makes her wear
A nightshirt in the light of day

Wearing a nightshirt in the light of day
What, oh what, will they say
She hasn’t a clue
As to what she should do
There is no day or night
No sense in sight
To tell her not to wear
A nightshirt in the light of day

Wearing a nightshirt in the light of day
This is what it ought to say
She doesn’t care
About when or where
Or about the norm
To which she should conform
That tells her not to wear
A nightshirt in the light of day


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