April 06, 2005


i like Someone
who likes someone else
who likes someone else
who likes yet someone else
who likes yet another someone else
who likes yet still another someone else …

eventually, i’m sure,
this daisy-chain of unreciprocated affection,
of liking someone,
will come back to me -
somewhere out there is a
who likes someone
who likes someone else
who likes yet someone else
who likes me
who like Someone else

wouldn’t it be nice though
if i could do away with
all those someones else
    in between
so that i could finally
like someone
who likes


Blogger Unknown said...

this one stands out wei. damn avant-garde sialll. eh how come you use american spellin in all your work? slack ler. but i guess it goes well with the content of what you write since it's all quite comtemporary stuff. ok la. write somethin darker wei. i'll come back to read.

6:48 PM  
Blogger s said...

you got me - i use the American spelling because they spell with fewer letters (usually).

and sorry, i can't scribble to order - darker stuff and otherwise.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

but takkan all the time write melancholy only meh. sure got dark one what. no fun la you. tulis la sket.. bunuh2 ke... somethin more bitter la... you already got the tools wei...see la if you can use it in a different garden.

3:56 AM  
Blogger s said...

"tulis la sket.. bunuh2 ke..."
- what does that mean?

okay, i'll take up this challenge. but don't hold out any expectations.

9:40 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

sket = sikit, bunuh2= bunuh-bunuh = snuff. you some patrician/victorian/aristocrat woman meh. i come from the gutter so you gotta excuse me. yah do write somethin morbid. if not morbid at least resentful. orait. ciao.

10:58 AM  

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