March 19, 2005

Birthday Rants and Grouses

I stumble upon no profound realizations,
I hold out no improbable expectations;

it’s just another ordinary day -
come natural calamities or whatever may.

So I turn another year older -
this doesn’t make for earth-shattering news fodder.

Why celebrate birthdays?
Why with a cake?

Why the lighted candles –
why, for goodness sake?

Of celebrations, they are a perversion -
an exercise in utter humiliation.

Candles on the cake –
There are so many of them
I can’t see the cake.

Happy birthday to you
Hell-on-earth day to you
Every worst day to you-ou
Happy birthday to you

Dining and wining,
candle-lighting and birthday-cake cutting -
what exactly are you celebrating?

My expulsion from the womb so many years ago today -

my being one step closer to the grave?

18th – 19th March 2005


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha....i like the 'one step closer to the grave' concept. it's the truth, anyway =)

3 cheers!

12:28 PM  

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